
Elk Grove Summerfest - 2017

Forks, Corks, and Kegs

July 7, 2017

What do you get when you combine Elk Grove's growing craft beer scene, wine from around the valley, the gourmet food of local food trucks, and beautiful Elk Grove Park? Forks, Corks, & Kegs, of course! Come out and join us for our inaugural event under the canopy of trees - we'll keep you shaded, hydrated, and entertained.

Elk Grove Summerfest will feature 75+ beers and wines, along with several food trucks, vendors, games, and other entertainment. We have plenty of space out on the grass so bring a blanket and enjoy the afternoon with us!

Join us in Elk Grove Park on Saturday, July 22 from 3-7PM.

We are proud to partner with Runnin' For Rhett to help make thier goals possible!

Go HERE for all the details and tickets!